MAHA MAUNA (Great Silence)
Sitting in the Silence, a Greater Silence came…
The thinker had no time to wail…
The only trace of the thinker, was the Silence ringing in my ears…
~ Joseph T. McMahon
In 2013 I had what is commonly referred to as an ‘awakening’. Since then, there have been all of the ups and downs of what such a shift in consciousness begins to unfold. The details are not important. Insights continue to be revealed and deepen.
But the most important revelation is the understanding that all of the 'unnecessary' and 'avoidable' pain and suffering we see in the world today is because of what I describe in my short piece “Peace Is Already Here.” What is revealed is that it’s just not possible to make meaningful and lasting changes on the level of mind. It’s a ‘closed’ system.
One must transcend the mind altogether (see 'The Revelation') to see the inherent Peace that always was, and is, here. This doesn’t mean that this transcendence is unbroken or perfect; it means that it was seen so deeply that it becomes the default understanding from which you move in the world and navigate ‘life’. The world is not going to stop appearing, and the body/mind is not going to stop acting like a body/mind, but it will become apparent to you when the mind is moving in ways that are not in alignment with the fundamental realization that Peace Is Already 'Always' Here...